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Amigurumi Alpaca Almina Free Crochet Pattern

inc Durable Furry, 100% polyester, 50g / 35m

  • silver gray – 3 mot Magic Ring
    inc knit Durable Cozy fine, 58% cotton, 42% polyacrylic, 50g / 105m
  • ivory – 1 skein
  • ash – 1 skein
    Hooks 4 and 7 mm.
    Needle with a large eye
    Chenille incowolMagic Ring
    Safety eyes 15mm

Magic Ring – amigurumi ring
Ch – air loop
ss – connecting post
Sc – single crochet
Hdc – half double crochet
ssn – double crochet
inc – incibaw Magic Ring
dec – decа Magic Ring

  • * x? – repeat the description between the asterisk Magic Rings
    = () – total number of loops in a row
    Difficulty level: experience with fur knitting.
    Size: 33 cm from head to toe

Ivory, 4mm hook
Toer 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring = (6)
Toer 2: 6 inc = (12)
Toer 3: * 1 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (18)
Toer 4: * 2 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (24)
Toer 5: 24 Sc = (24)
Toer 6: * 3 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (30)
Toer 7 – 8: 30 Sc = (30)
Toer 9: 2 loops inc omit, 10 PRS in 1 loop, 2 loops inc omit, 6 Hdc,
2 loops inc omit, 10 PRS in one loop.
Do not knit the rest of the loops.
Close and set your muzzle aside.

Head and neck
Silver-gray inc knit, hook 7 mm.
Toer 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring = (6)
Toer 2: 6 inc = (12)
Toer 3: * 1 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (18)
Toer 4: * 2 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (24)
Toer 5: * 3 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (30)
Toer 6 – 11:30 Sc = (30)
Toer 12: * 3 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (24)
Toer 13: * 2 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (18)
Toer 14: * 1 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (12)
Toer 15 – 21:12 Sc = (12)
Close, leave a long thread for sewing. Light the Magic Ring fill your head and unite position of the muzzle. Insert safety eyes into a loop with 10 ssn through the muzzle and through
head. Magic Ring – once you are satisfied with the position of your eyes, secure them. Now Stuff your head tightly and insert the chenille inc fiber into your neck. inc write muzzle to head stuffing it while sewing.

Ears (x2)
inc ivory crochet hook 4 mm.
Toer 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring = (6)
Toer 2: 6 inc = (6)
Toer 3: * 1 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (9)
Toer 4: * 2 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (12)
Toer 5: * 3 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (15)
Toer 6: * 4 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (18)
Toer 7: * 5 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (21)
Toer 8: * 6 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (24)
Toer 9: * 7 Sc, 1 inc * x3 = (27)
Fold the edges of the ears together and inc knit 13 Sc, inc tying two sides at the same time.
inc pluck ears and inc sew 6th stitch of Magic Ring to head. Cinch the end of the thread.

Silver-gray inc knit, hook 7 mm.
Toer 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring = (6)
Toer 2: 6 inc = (12)
Toer 3: * 1 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (18)
Toer 4: * 2 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (24)
Toer 5: * 3 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (30)
Toer 6: * 4 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (36)
Toer 7 – 16:36 Sc = (36)
Toer 17: * 4 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (30)
Toer 18: * 3 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (24)
Toer 19: 24 Sc = (24)
Toer 20: * 2 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (18) Stuff the body tightly
Toer 21: * 1 Sc, 1 dec * x6 = (12)
Toer 22: 6 dec = (6)
Close, tighten the hole. Cinch the end of the thread.
The Magic Ring of the first row is the back of the alpaca. incline your head to the front of your body.
inc while continuing to stuff your neck while sewing. Cut the thread.
Embroider nose with ash-colored knits

Legs (x4)
inc knitting ash color, hook 4 mm.
Toer 1: 6 Sc in Magic Ring = (6)
Toer 2: 6 inc = (12)
Toer 3: * 1 Sc, 1 inc * x6 = (18)
Toer 4 – 7:18 Sc = (18)
We change it to a silver-gray crochet and hook 7 mm.
Toer 8: * 1 Sc, 1 loop inc omit * x9 = (9)
Toer 9 – 12: 9 Sc = (9)
Close, leave a long thread for sewing. Stuff and incline the legs to the lower body.

Silver-gray inc knit, hook 7 mm.
Toer 1: 4 Sc in Magic Ring = (4)
Toer 2 – 4: 4 Sc = (4)
Close, leave a long thread for sewing. Light the Magic Ring fill and incline the tail to the back of the body.

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