MR – magic ring
ch – chain
sl st – slip stitch
SC – single crochet
hdc – half double crochet
dc double crochet
st – stitch
BLO – back loops only
FLO – front loops only
inc – increase ( 2 sc from 1 st)
dec – decrease (2 sc together)
1) sh 6x
2) 12x
3) Increase 1x 1 = 18x
4) Increase 2x 1 = 24x
5) 3×1 increment = 30x
6) 4×1 increment = 36x
7) 5×1 increment = 42
8-16) 42x
17) 5×1 subtract = 36x
18) 4×1 subtract = 30x
19) 3×1 subtract = 24x
202×1 subtract = 18x
21) 1×1 subtract = 12
it’s over
FEET 2 pieces;
1) pull 6 chains from the second chain 1v 3x 3w 4x = 12
2) 2v3x3v3x1v = 18x
3) 1v1x1v6x1v1x1v6x = 22
4) blo 22x
5) 22x
6) 8 x 5 subtracts 3x = 16
7) 7×3 subtract 4x = 14x
8) 7×2 subtract 3x = 12
9-11 = 12
Switch to blue rope
12) Increase 1x 1 = 18x
13-16) 18x
it’s over
17) Combine with 2 chains 18 + 2 + 18 + 2 = 40x
18) 40x
19 with yellow rope = 40x
20 (blo with green rope = 40x
21) subtract from both sides = 38x
22) 38x
23) decreases from both sides = 36x
24) 4×1 subtract = 30x
25) 30x
26) 3×1 subtract 24x
27-28) = 24x
29) 2×1 subtract = 18x
30) with color from blo 1×1 subtract = 12x
31) 12x
Leon hood recipe;
We start at the 29th rank of our blog army 17 sh
2) R = 25x 1x1art
3-) 2 1 increase = 33x
4-) In the meantime, we leave 4x of ten parts = 30x
5-9) 30x
10-) Assemble 17 chain checks at the front
11-13) 47X
14-) I started the cutting process as 8x 1 subtract. After that I knitted and finished improvised.
I started the yellow part with 8x on top and knit it in 11 rows and sewed it on it.