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Amigurumi Chick Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Chick Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;

So , we you will need :

Threads : Pekhorka Children’s Volumetric ( bright yellow ), Magic Super Excellence ( brick )

Hook No. 1.9

Needle with big ear

Wool and needle For felting

Eyes – half a cusina

Glue moment


Conditional designations :

Sc – column without yarn over

İnc – inc bonus

Dec – decavka

Ch – air a loop

Sl-st . – connecting column


1. In the ring amigurumi inc knit 8 sc (8)

2. (1 sc , inc ) x4 (12)

3. (2 sc , inc ) x4 (16)

4. (3 sc , inc ) x4 (20)

5. (4 sc, inc) х4 (24)

6. (5 sc, inc) х4 (28)

7. (6 sc, inc) х4 (32)

8. (7 sc, inc) х4 (36)

9. (8 sc, inc) х4 (40)

10. (9 sc, inc) х4 (44)

11. – 23. Knit 13 rows without changes (44)

24. (9 sc , dec ) x4 (40)

25. (8 sc , dec ) x4 (36)

26. (7 sc , dec ) x4 (32)

27. (6 sc , dec ) x4 (28)

Begin stuff detail and inccontinue This do in incocesl-ste knitting​

28. (5 sc , dec ) x4 (24)

29. (4 sc , dec ) x4 (20)

30. (3 sc , dec ) x4 (16)

31. (2 sc , dec ) x4 (12)

32. (1 sc , dec ) x4 (8)

A thread cut , hole pull and hide tip .

Wings (2 pcs .)

Not stuffing !

For started let’s tie feathers​ Their need to By three things For everyone wing​

1. In the ring amigurumi tie 5 sc (5)

2. – 3. Two row without changes . (5)

A thread cut and fasten .

Let’s tie more two such details , but in the last a thread Not cut off and continue

to knit wing​

4. 3sc , 2sc on the 2nd detail , 5 sc for 1st detail , 3 sc on the 2nd detail and

2sc​ on the 3rd detail (15)

5.-7. Three row without changes (15)

8. 6 sc , dec , 5 sc , dec (13)

7. One row without changes (13)

8. 5 sc , dec , 4 sc , dec (11)

9.-11. Three row without changes (11)

We fold detail in half and connect sl-st . A thread cut off leaving tip For

inc sewing . Second wing knitting similarly first​

Legs (2 pcs .)

Legs will consist from two parts : claws and main Part legs .

Claws (3 pcs )

1. Tie into a ring amigurumi 5 sc (5)

2. – 3. Two row without changes .

Knitting more two details similarly first ​Each​ leave a thread For

inc sewing .

Main Part legs :

1. Tie into a ring amigurumi 7 sc (7)

2. – 8. Seven rows without changes (7)

Trim thread , leaving tip For incision . leg Can A little stuff , but If

at you , like me​ she Fine holds form then​ Can do without​ padding polyester

Details For second legs knitting similarly first​


Not stuffing !

Knitting ponytail By incidentally similar to knitting wings​ For started let’s tie it up feathers​

1. In the ring amigurumi tie 6 sc (6)

2. – 4. Three row without changes (6)

This will central feather​

Now let’s do it two lateral .

1. In the ring amigurumi tie 6 sc (6)

2. – 3. Two row without changes (6)

After second a thread Not cut and start gather tail together .

1. 3sc , 3sc By central feather , 6 sc 1 feather each , 3 sc By

centrally peru and 3 sc on 3rd (18)

2. One row without changes (18)

3. (7 sc , dec ) x2 (16)

4. (6 sc , dec ) x2 (14)

5. – 7. Three row without changes (14)

8. (5 sc , dec ) x2 (12)

We fold detail in half and connect sc . A thread cut and leave tip For

inc sewing .


1. In the ring amigurmi tie 5 sc (5)

2. One row without changes (5)

3. İnc , 4 sc (6)

4. İnc , 5 sc (7)

A thread fasten , cut , leaving tip For incision .

Assembly and design

1. For started we’ll collect our legs​ For This incising claws to main parts ,

evenly separating their By circle​ Can add a little bit filler in

claws​ We’re stitching it up paws down​ body​

2. Next incising wings By sides our head-body . They are located on

level middle eye Chicks and legs form one line​

3. After incising tail By center backs on height equal to middle wing​

Before decor muzzles Chick must to look like So :

– view front

– view with backs

– view above

4. Let’s get started do eyes . For this let’s take small a piece wool For

felting , roll up from him ball and then flatten it into a pancake . We put it in

this pancake on place our eyes and let’s begin to lie around To get

smooth edge proteins , you need twist wool in thin tourniquet and incise

his By all circles​

After as​​ our edge leveled off , remains only incicle pupil or

inc​ his from black wool​ Such same manipulation inc we do with second

eye .

5. Remaining only finish design : incishit beak which​

located between eye smooth By center and embroider brows .

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