Amigurumi Plush Bull Gavryusha

To create Gavryusha you need
-1 skein of the main color Himalaya Dolphin Baby (I have 317)

  • Just a little extra color on the face and ears (I have 333)
    -A little bit brown on the hoof (I have 337)
  • Any cotton or acrylic ıncord of brown tones on the horns
    -Black and white threadmagic ring for the design of the muzzle.
  • Hook number 4
  • Eyes size 16mm
  • glue gun
  • A smaller hook for the horns (I have 2.5)

MAGİC RİNG- amigurumi ring
Ch- air loop
Sc – single crochet
Dec-decavmagic ring
Inc- ıncibmagic ring
This master class does not contain knitting lessons.
Inc and present the magical ring of my work ınc I ask the magic ring to call the author Svetlana
All ınciy knitting

Torso head;
If you want to knit a magic ring with a magic ring on a magic ring, then I
the first spot was made on the 11th row of the body, and the second on the 14th row. Between
a magic ring of about 20 loops, so they will turn out on a magic ring. Can
to make only one speck, or not to knit them at all, this is at your discretion.
1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG
2.6 ınc (12)
3.1 + ınc (18)
4.2 + ınc (24)
5.3 + ınc (30)
6.4 + ınc (36)
Those who fasten the eyes on the stubs between these rows
you can put your eyes on. I do this at the end, as I put my eyes on the glue gun.
7.5 + ınc (42)
8.5 + ınc (48)
9-18 48 sc 10 rows
19.6 + dec (42)
20.5 + dec (36)
21.4 + dec (30)
22.3 + dec (24) We stuff the body
23.2 + dec (18)
24.1 + dec (12)
25.6 dec (6)
Pull the hole, thread the string into the body

Magic ring;
We knit 6 ch and in the second loop from the hook magic ring we begin to knit – ınc, 3
sc, 3 sc in the last loop, on the other side we knit 3 sc, ınc (13)
2 row: sc, ınc, 3 sc, ınc, sc, ınc, 4 sc ınc (17)
3 row: 2 ınc, 5 sc, 3 ınc, 6 sc, ınc (23)
4 row: 23 sc, fasten and cut the thread, leave a long end
for ıncoding.

 We knit 4 parts. 2 primary colors and 2 additional.
First, knit 2 details in additional colors, and then already
main, because we will tie the thread of the main color.
1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG
2.6 ınc (12)
3.3 + ınc (15)
Fold the details inside out druk to a friend and tie in a circle
15 sc, then fold the eye in half and ınc knit the ss in two
halves of ears Fasten and cut the thread. Leave long
end for ıncishing.

Start knitting in brown, then change the thread to
the main one.
1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG
2.6 ınc (12)
3.12 sc per sn (back half loop)
Change color
4.12 sc
5.2 sc
Fasten and cut the thread, leave a long end for
ıncoding. Stuff the legs with filler

1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG
2.1 + ınc (9)
3-5. 9 sc (3 rows)
6.2 + ınc (12)
7-9. 12 sc (3 rows)
10.2 ınc + 10 sc (14)
11-12. 14sc
Fasten and cut the thread, leave the tip for writing.

We dial 11 ch and from the second loop ınc knit 10 sc, the thread
fasten, at the end of the tail you can make a brush. I made from
the same ıncie as the horns.

Magic ring collection and design;
Include a muzzle to the body, make a tightening
Fasten the eyes (who is the magic ring to the glue gun)
We decorate the eyes, embroider the eyebrows and nostrils.
Ears ıncish 4 rows above the eyes.
Horns above the eyes magic rings (on the same row as the ears), between
magic rings and rymagic rings 2 sc turned out.
Including paws to the body symmetrically.
Including the tail (I did ıncyamo in the center), you can do

Your goby is ready !!!

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