Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Strawberry Doll Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;
Sh: Magic ring
X: column without yarn over
B: Magnification
BLO: Knitting from rear parts loops
FLO: Knitting from front parts loops
SL-ST: Offset stitches
HDC: Single handrail
HDCV: two individual handrail in one place
DC: Double handrail
TR: Triple handrail
Sign : Chain
W: three column without yarn over in one loop
- A thread bodily colors : cotton Gazzal baby 3469.
- Dark pink thread : Etrophil 73076.
- Green thread : Alize Cotton Gold 129.
- Light pink thread : Alize Cotton Gold 518.
- White thread : Alize Cotton Gold 55.
- 3 beads in shape leaflet
- 5 buttons ( for T-shirts , shoes and skirts .)
- Pink beads For skirts and hats .
- green eye 12 mm
- insoles For shoes 5 cm .
- Electric incoguide
- 1.75 mm For knitting body and head , 2.00 mm For clothes and accessories , Hook 1.25 mm For knitting fingers
Height dolls about 33 cm . However , when You knitting more thin or thick thread , use another hook or because of differences in hands , maybe be size difference .
I was knitting him in technology cross . Also Can to knit first technology one knitting needles
To Not were formed lumps , should through every 7-8 rows tight stuff their fiber
Not we will to knit clothes So tight like on body
I used hook diameter 1.75 mm . I was knitting him in technology cross . Also Can to knit ordinary single knitting needle
1) 6 times in SH
2)(AT 6 (12x)
3)(x,v)6 (18x)
4) (2 x,v)6 (24x)
5)(3x,v)6 (30x)
6) (4 x,v)6 (36x)
7)(5 x,v)6 (42x)
8) (6 x,v)6 (48x)
9)(7 x,v)6 (54x)
10) (8 x,b)6 (60x)
11)(9x,v)6 (66x)
12) (10 x.b (72x) )6
13-23) 72x(11 rows)
24) 11sc, next column without yarn over inc we knit free , 10sc, next column without yarn over inc we knit free , (72x) ( Lots 49sc.To those left behind us Later columns without yarn over incandrepair eyes .)
25-26) 72x
27) (2 x,v )*11, 38x, wb (84x) 28-31)84x (4 rows )
After this row inc we will fasten eyes to single ones knitting needles that We left loose .
32) 6x, a, (12x, a)* 5, 6x(78x)
33) (11x, A)* 6 (72x)
34) 5x, A, (10x, A)* 5, 5x(66x)
35) (9 x,A)6 (60x)
36) 4x, A, (8x, A) 5, 4x(54x)
37) (7x, A)* 6 (48x)
38) (3x, A), (6x, A)* 5, 3x(42x)
39) (5x, A)* 6 (36x)
40) 2x, A, (4x, A)* 5, 2x(30x)
41) (3x, A)* 6 (24x)
42) (2x, A)* 6, rope Can cut . (18x)
Treatment lips
- Everywhere how incide form face , no we will too much strongly fill head In inative case will difficult inc form , yes How No places stretching After incidents forms , let’s fill it out his big quantity
- giving up form face , let’s let’s fill his big quantity fiber , especially on forehead and cheeks . Let’s leave to him form so that between two eyes was chadina ;
- Let’s we use only two layer threads For eyelashes and lines eye .
- Doing protein eyes , no we will divide a thread on layers .
- Let’s do it nose smooth on level eye , no sharing sit down
- Let’s do it brows for 6 rows higher eyes using only double thread , 3 stitches without Yarn over
Count 5 times left starting from eyelashes . Here We we fix our rope To knit we will down .
1) X 2) HDCV
3) Permanent current
4) That same column without Yarn over (TR)*3
Beginning from eyelashes , count 5 times right and 5 times down . Let’s we’ll fix it Here our rope We will to knit up .
1) X
2) That same column without Yarn over (TR)*3
3) Permanent current

- 6 times in W
- with BLO (v)*6 (12x)
- ( x , c)*6 (18x)
- (2x, v)* 6 with BLO (24x)
- (3x, in)* 6 (30x)
- (4x, v)* 6 with BLO (36x)
- (5h, v)* 6 (42h)
- (6 h,v )*6 s BLO(48x)
- (7h, v)* 6 (54h)
- (8h, inc )* 6 s BLO(60x)
- From this moment We incovale , no cutting rope We let’s do it bangs . We dial 10 ch , 9sc on ch , sl-st , sl-st , 9 ch on next single knitting needle details , 8sc on ch , sl-st , sl-st , 8 purl on next single knitting needle , 7sc on zn , sl-st , sl-st , 7 ch , 6 sc By ch , next sc in sc , sl-st , 6 ch , 5 sc in ch , 5 times next sc
- sl -st , sl-st , 17 ch , 16 sc in ch , sl-st in next sc , sl-st , 22 ch , 21 sc in ch , sl-st , sl-st , 26 ch , 25 sc in Zn , sl-st , sl-st , 61 ch , 60 sc in ch , sl-st , sl-st . We will issue sit down around wig , pulling out 61 ch . When bang inc approaches the original point again let’s add long and short sit down hair ( Exactly So same as We This done By another side bangs .)
- Let’s let’s finish our wig , making 61 ch , 60x, sl-st , sl-st on ch before places that We knitted using BLO on wig
- After Togo How let’s braid wig , inco iron him except tips
- Let’s fix it with pins and stitching to the head .

İncavaya hand and hand –
Double up rope To knit we will crochet 1.25 mm . Begin to knit on fingers I knit my fingers only purl in columns without yarn over , because What to me So incomore . Can to knit cross .
- 4 times in W
- We knit 4x in 4 rows .
- Let’s do it 2 times , pull it out one ch and cut rope
- Let’s tie it up so 3 fingers . 4th long finger we will knitting , connecting fingers . For big finger :
- 5 times in W
- We knit 5 times in 3 rows , stretch ch and cut it off rope Let’s connect fingers .
- Make 4 sc inside w and inc knit 4 rows .2 times (5th finger We Same done .)
- Let’s continue Not cutting rope Repeat 2sc for next finger , 2sc on next finger , 4sc on next and move on to the back side connected us fingers 2x, 2x, 4x on next finger (16x) ( This will our from incavnaya dot .)
6-7) 16x
8) 8x, connect big finger . 5x on big finger , place connections brush and large finger more one x up dots , 8x (22x)
9) 8x, A, (3x, A)* 2, 2x (19x)
10.6x, A, 3x, A, 6x (17x)
11.X, A, 3x, A, 2x, A, 3x, A (13x) Not let’s forget his fill . From here on rope Let’s continue without divisions on multiples To knit we will crochet 1.75 mm .

12.We knit 13x in 13 rows .
13.( c )*2, 7x, (a)*2 (13x)
14) 13x
15.( a )*2, 7x, (c)*2 (13x)
16.We knit 13x in 13 rows .
Let’s make 12x and cut rope Ultimate I have a point located smooth in the middle internal parts hands .
inc is approaching . If Not I like it , you can to tie on some knitting needles more or less .
Left hand and hand –
8) Knitting That same incavoy hand before next row .
8)13sc, 5x on big finger , still x on place connections brush and large finger , 3sc
9)9x, A, x, A, 4x, A, 2x (19x)
10)A, 4x, A, 8x, A, x (16x)
11)(3x, A)* 3, x (13x) Not let’s forget his fill . From here fold rope
Let’s continue , no separating . To knit we will crochet 1.75 mm .
12) We knit 13x in 13 rows .
13) 6x, (c)*2, (a)*2, x (13x)
14) 13x
15)6x, (a)*2, (c)*2, x(13x)
16)We knit 13x in 13 rows .
17)Let’s make 2x and cut rope Ultimate I have a point located indirectly in the middle internal parts hands
If Not I like it , you can to tie on some knitting needles more or less .
Knitting legs , no we forget tight stuff fibers every 7-8 rows to Not allow loosening
I use incodriver By everything body İnvolok I am strengthening after knitting torso . This A little difficult install . If You Not want to test difficulties , you can post incovolok first and tie her together with incovolok . For legs Can cut off incovolok incimally by 25-30 cm . Let’s start with white ropes
- 10ch
- 8x, w, 7x, v (20x) This is will our fromincavnoy dot .
- B, 7x, (v)*3, 7x, (v)*2 (26x)
- X, v, 7x, (x, v)* 3, 7x, (x, v)*2 (32x)
- 2x, in, 7x, (2x, in)* 3, 7x, (2x, in)*2 (38x)
- 38x with BLO
- 38x

8-9) 38 x green rope
10)8x, a, (4x, a)* 3, 10x white rope (34x)
11)7x, a, (3x, a)* 3, 10x white rope (30x)
12)6x, a, (2x, a)* 3, 8x, a green rope (25x)
13)25x green rope
14)23sc white rope and (24x)
15)With white rope 24x
16-17) With green rope 24x
18-19) With white rope 24x
20-21) With green rope 24x
22-23) With white rope 24x
24-25) With green rope 24x
26-27) 24x white thread
28-29) 24x green thread
30-31) 24x white thread
32-33) 24x green thread
34-35) 24x white rope 36) 2x, a,
36) 17x, a, x green rope (22x)
37) A, 18x, and green rope (20x)
38) 10x, (c)*4, 6x white rope (24x)
39) 9x, a, 6x, a, 5x white rope (22x)
40) 22x green rope
41) 2x, in, 19x green rope (23x)
42-43) 23x white rope
44) 3x, in, 19x green rope (24x)
45) 4sc, in, 19sc by green rope (25x)
46-47) 25sc white rope
48) 5sc, in, 19sc by green rope
49) 6sc, in, 19sc by green rope (26x)
50-51) 27sc white rope
52) 7sc, in, 19sc by green rope (27x)
53) 8sc, in, 19sc green rope (28x)
now We Can cut green rope Hence the white one rope
We inc we continue .
54-55) 29x white thread
56) 16 times white rope , cut rope Ultimate dot coincides with the middle internal parts legs
If Not I like it , you can to tie on some knitting needles more or less .
Knitting So same as insaw leg , up to the 56th row .
56-57) 29x
58)x, rope Not cut . Ultimate dot coincides with the middle internal parts legs If Not I like it , you can to tie on some knitting needles more or less . We inc we will continue study bodybuilding .
Let’s continue from there places on which stopped at left leg 2 hours. This will our new from incavnaya dot .
- (29sc left leg+29sc left leg+inc we tie there same last column without yarn over on both legs 2sc+4sc by purl = 64s)
- We knit 64x in 12 rows .
- 14x, a, (5x, a)* 5, 13x (58x)
- 13x, a, (4x, a)* 5, 13x (52x)
- 12x, a, (3x, a)* 5, 13x (46x)
- 46x
- 12x, choose Color skin We knit BLO until end row 34sc. (46x)
- 12sc with BLO, after this inccutting knit BLO, 34sc
- We knit 46x for 17 rows .
- After this row inciconnect sleeves 14sc, x there same where last column without yarn over incavoy hands , 13sc by hand , 23sc, x there same where last column without yarn over left hands , 13sc by hand , 9c (74sc)
- 13x, a, 12x, a, 21x, a, 12x, a, 8x(70x)
- (12x, a)* 2, 19x, a, 12x, a, 7x(66x)
- 11x, a, 12x, a, 17x, a, 12x, a, 6x(62x)
- 10x, a, 12x, a, 15x, a, 12x, a, 5x(58x)
- 16x, a, 27x, a, 11x (56x)
- (4x, a)* 9, 2x (47x)
- 2x, a, 9x, a, 7x, a, 4x, a, 7x, a, 8x(42x)
- (5x, a)* 6 (36x)
- (4x, a)* 6 (30x)
- (3x, a)* 6 (24x)
- (2x, a)* 6 (18x)
- We knit 18x 5 rows .
- 12x, sl-st , cut rope
– A CAP –
Knitting hook no. 2.00 mm on one knitting needle purl . Not we will to knit clothes and accessories too much tight as on body
- 9x in W
- (AT 9c)*9
- (2x, vb )*9
- (3x, c)*9
- (4x, c)* 9
- (5x, vb )* 9
- (6x, vb )* 9
- (7x, c)*9
- (8x, vb )* 9
- (9x, c)* 9
- (10x, vb )* 9
- (11x, vb )* 9
- We knit 117x for 8 rows .
- (7 x,a )*13 (104x)
- 3x, a, (6x, a)* 12, 3x (91x)
- (5x, a)* 13 (78x)
- Let’s continue white rope
- This row we knit FLO. 78x
- We knit 78x in 2 rows .
- Knitting green inc. and BLO. 27x
21) Let’s go back , inc let’s go one x, 26x
22) Let’s go back , inc let’s go one x, 25x
23) Let’s go back , inc let’s go one x, 24x
24) Let’s go back , inc let’s go one x, 23x, cut rope Wrapping incorelated green detail green thread and around details that knitting white , making columns without yarn over white thread ( Shown on photo .)

– Sheet
1) 10ch
2) x by Zn , (PSN)*2, (SN)*2, (İNC)*2, DC, in that same column without Yarn over (DC)*5, DC, (İNC)*2 (CH)*2, (HDC )*2, x
Let’s let’s sew it ‘s like shown on photo . Not let’s forget inc to the hat beads

We start with the hole behind in the middle soles shoes Shown on photo .
1) (B)*23 (46x)
2-6) sl-st , 1 ch , 46x (5 rows )
7) sl-st , 1 ch , x, a, 11x, a, (3x, A)* 4, 8x, a (39x)
8) sl-st , 1 ch , 12x, a, (2x, a)* 4.9x (34x)
9) sl-st , 1ch, cut rope
Design lower row shoes explained on video .
- Design arches left feet –
- We count the opposite about 8 times from ultimate dots Here We we fix our rope
- Let’s pull out 21 ch and from 7 ch Let’s make 15sc. Let’s inc we knit next column without yarn over on shoe and cut it rope
- Design vault incavoy feet –
- Count 8 times next from primary dots Here We we fix our rope
- Let’s pull out 21 ch and from 7 ch Let’s make 15sc. Let’s inc we knit next column without yarn over on shoe and cut it rope
We sew buttons By sides shoes

- Let’s take 33 ch .
- 5x, w, 4x, w, 10x, w, 4x, w, 5x each Zn (40x)
- Return with 1 ch , 40x
- Return with 1 ch, (6 x, w )*2, 12x, w, 6x, w, 6x (48x)
- Return with 1 ch , 48x
- We return from 1 ch , 7sc, f, 8s, f, 14s, f, 8s, w, 7s. (56x)
- We come back with 1 ch , 56x
- We return with 1 ch , inc, skip 9 sc , 10 ch , 10 sc and knit in 11 sc , 17 sc , 10 ch , inc, skip 10 sc and pick up in 11 sc , 8 sc . (56x)
9-18) Return from 1 ch , 56sc (10 rows )
19) Let’s continue Not cutting rope on back let’s do it hole For buttons X, 4ch, inc omit 4x, 5. x in sc , 5 sc , 4 ch , inc, omit 4 sc , x in 5 sc , cut rope
- Weapon –
- 1.Begin with backs 24 times on the place that We opened For hands .
- 2.( in , x)*12 (36x)
- 3-6) 36x (4 rows )
- 7) (a)*18 (18x)
- 8-9) 18x
Red thread let’s do it pores strawberries Inci desire his Can stick on T-shirt or incishit . Let’s glue it By sides leaf beads . Not let’s forget embroider leaves on strawberries

Not we will to knit his too much tight as on body Knitting crochet 2.00 mm . On skirt I used technique embroidery cross .
- Let’s take 43 ch .
- 42x Zn
3-4) Returning from 1ch, 42x
5) Pull out 3 in. Let’s connect two end incorelated us details in columns without Yarn over Start This will is our place .
6-7) 45x
8) (6x, in)* 6, 3x (51x)
9-10) 51x
11) 3x, (7 x,b )*5, 8x (56x)
12) 56x
13) (6x, wb )* 8 (64x)
14-21) 64x (8 rows )
22) This one row we knit BLO. ( x,v )*32 23-28) in (96x)
96x, sl-st , cut rope (6 rows )
- For holes For I drew the buttons in 4 seconds on rear parts skirts .
- We sew to the dress pink beads

– BAG-
- 10 ch
- 8x, w, 7x, in po Zn (20x)
- B, 7x, (c)*3, 7x, (c)*2(26x)
- Knit this row BLO, 26sc.
- V, 10x, (v)*3, 10x, (v)*2 (32x)
- knit 32x in 7 rows , sl-st , trim rope
● Let’s draw 28 ch For pens bags Let’s do 27x on chain and cut it rope We sew knitted handle for the bag . Let’s tie it up strawberry and incicle knitted detail on bag If if you want , you can sew . Let’s embroider leaf strawberries green thread Not let’s forget red thread design pores strawberries Let’s glue it shaped beads leaves from both parties strawberries